Producenten in de voedingsmiddelenindustrie moeten aan steeds strengere eisen voldoen.
Zo heeft recent de Europese Commissie besloten tot nieuwe regelgeving voor MOAH in voeding. Deze nieuwe regelgeving is inmiddels geïmplementeerd en heeft niet alleen gevolgen voor de producenten zelf, maar ook voor hun toeleveranciers. De strengere eisen worden namelijk ‘doorvertaald’ in de totale keten, waardoor bijvoorbeeld ook leveranciers van verpakkingen voor de voedselindustrie hieraan dienen te voldoen. Dit geldt eveneens voor MOSH. Mede in dat kader heeft onze partner Fuchs Lubricants Germany GmbH onderstaand statement afgegeven, met belangrijke informatie over de (productie van) Cassida- en Cassida FM producten in relatie tot MOSH / MOAH.
De conclusie: alle oliën bevatten MOSH en MOAH. Ook voedselveilige oliën bevatten deze componenten. Voedselveilige olie is echter geproduceerd volgens richtlijnen van INS of NSF. Volgens deze richtlijnen en deze instituten vormt de voedselveilige olie dan ook geen gevaar voor mens en/of het milieu.
Statement about MOSH / MOAH
To whom it may concern,
with this paper we want to provide you with some important information regarding a possible MOSH / MOAH – content of our CASSIDA products.
In food processing companies different lubricants are used in order to reduce friction, wear, heat development and corrosion on machine elements. These lubricants can incidentally come into contact with the foodstuff and contaminate the foodstuff with undesired substances like mineral oil based hydrocarbons (MOSH and MOAH). In general, in areas where an incidental product contact is technically unavoidable non-aromatic, synthetic lubricants are recommended to be used.
The food grade lubricants produced by Fuchs Lubricants Germany GmbH are generally divided into two product groups. On the one hand, the CASSIDA products are based on fully synthetic base oils and are, by definition, free from mineral oils and related substances. The CASSIDA FM products are based on technical / pharmaceutical white oil. Therefore, they show up with a certain MOSH content (Mineral Oil Saturated Hydrocarbons). None of the CASSIDA and CASSIDA FM products contain any bi- or polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH).
The CASSIDA- and CASSIDA FM-products are developed for use in the food industry. Therefore, they are all registered as H1 lubricants by NSF International, which implies the use of FDA listed raw materials only, and therefore provide the highest food safety standard for the end user.
What is MOSH / MOAH and how is the content determined?
The MOSH-value describes the amount of saturated mineral oil-based hydrocarbons, the MOAH-value describes the amount of aromatic mineral oil based hydrocarbons.
Today the values of MOSH and MOAH are determined by using chromatographical methods. This set of methods is used to specify the length and structure of carbon chains. Unfortunately, these carbon chains do not only indicate a mineral oil-based hydrocarbon content but do also indicate the content of fully synthetic base oils based on hydrocarbons (POSH – polyolefin oligomeric saturated hydrocarbons). Again, the currently applied methods do not differentiate between all of these possible contents which leads to the conclusion that the mentioned chromatographical methods do not give evidence of a possible hydrocarbon content of mineral oil origin. They only provide information about the carbon chains but do not provide a clear hint to the chemical origin.
Fuchs Lubricants Germany GmbH can confirm the highest standard in food safety of our food grade lubricants by the registration of our products and the certification of the production line by NSF (Category H1 and certification against EN ISO 21469) as well as full Kosher and Halal compliance.
Voor meer informatie kunt u altijd contact opnemen.
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